Bachelor BSc Accounting and Finance, UOL, Lead College : LSE, BSc Economics, UOL, Lead College : LSE, BA ( HONS ) Business, Management and Organization, NTU, BA ( HONS ) Business, Accounting and Finance, NTU, BA ( HONS ) Business, Marketing, NTU, BA ( HONS ) Interior Architecture and Design, NTU, BA ( HONS ) Graphic Design, NTU, BA ( HONS ) Multimedia, NTU, BA ( HONS ) Print Journalism, NTU, BSc ( HONS ) Psychological Science, NTU Masters, MSc International Business, UOL, Lead College : Royal Holloway, Master of Laws, UOL, Lead College: Queen Mary / UCL.
Στοιχεία αναζήτησης:
Κέντρα Μεταλυκειακής Εκπαίδευσης , Ηράκλειο