Criminal Defence Lawyers Evrou

: 3 results
Miaouli Andrea 9, Alexandroupolis, 68132, EVROU
Lawyers & Law Firms Criminal Defence Lawyers
The law office of Dimitra Baira is located in Alexandroupoli, Greece, representing clients from all over Europe for the last 12 years. - The head attorney is both a german and a greek attorney, member of the bar associations of Tubingen, Germany, and Alexandroupoli, Greece, being allowed to represent clients in german and greek courts. - She was born and studied in Germany and has trained in german courts and law firms in Germany, Athens and New York. - She mainly deals with civil and criminal cases, often with international interest. She fluently speaks German, Greek and English, as well as French and some Spanish. - - Wenn Sie einen deutschen Anwalt in Alexandroupoli, Griechenland suchen, sind Sie bei uns richtig. - Die die Kanzlei fuhrende Anwaltin verfugt uber eine Doppelzulassung (in Deutschland und Griechenland) sowie zwolfjahrige Berufserfahrung in deutsch - griechischen Rechtsangelegenheiten. Haupttatigkeitsfelder sind das internationale und europaische Zivilrecht, sowie das Strafrecht. - Die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Baira & Kollegen hat ihren Sitz in Alexandroupoli, Griechenland und vertritt ihre Mandanten griechenlandweit.
Phone 2551084650
Thermopylon 1, Xanthi, 67131, XANTHIS
Lawyers & Law Firms Criminal Defence Lawyers
Phone 2541020113
Papadima A. 22-24, Komotini, 69100, RODOPIS
Lawyers & Law Firms Translations Mediators Criminal Defence Lawyers
Phone 2531029490
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