The law office of Dimitra Baira is located in Alexandroupoli, Greece, representing clients from all over Europe for the last 12 years. - The head attorney is both a german and a greek attorney, member of the bar associations of Tubingen, Germany, and Alexandroupoli, Greece, being allowed to represent clients in german and greek courts. - She was born and studied in Germany and has trained in german courts and law firms in Germany, Athens and New York. - She mainly deals with civil and criminal cases, often with international interest. She fluently speaks German, Greek and English, as well as French and some Spanish. - - Wenn Sie einen deutschen Anwalt in Alexandroupoli, Griechenland suchen, sind Sie bei uns richtig. - Die die Kanzlei fuhrende Anwaltin verfugt uber eine Doppelzulassung (in Deutschland und Griechenland) sowie zwolfjahrige Berufserfahrung in deutsch - griechischen Rechtsangelegenheiten. Haupttatigkeitsfelder sind das internationale und europaische Zivilrecht, sowie das Strafrecht. - Die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Baira & Kollegen hat ihren Sitz in Alexandroupoli, Griechenland und vertritt ihre Mandanten griechenlandweit.
Our Office provides a number of specialised services in matters that fall into one or more legal areas, covering topics at both national and international law, especially in these areas of Law:
Accidents: - We vigorously demand the full restoration of any damage from traffic and work accidents, in a judicial or extrajudicial manner. - Real estate: - Our extensive experience and knowledge in real estate law allows us to protect the interests of our clients and to claim solutions with the lowest possible cost of time and money. We work steadily with responsible and recognized partners of all specialties, such as engineers, notaries and accountants. We face the complexity of these cases and the strong emotion that governs them, with individualized and advantageous solutions. - Foreign citizens: - We represent our Greek and foreign clients, who do not reside permanently in Greece, for their property and inheritance cases before the Greek authorities. We undertake the rental of your real estate, we monitor and take care of the smooth payment of rents and we supervise the condition of your real estate. - Divorce: - Family affairs are always emotionally charged and for this reason we handle them in a special and human way, in order not to leave mental residues in our loved ones but also to create the conditions for life to continue creatively.