Notary Marianella Al. Ioannou undertakes all cases related to the specialty of the notary such as purchases and sales, parental donations, donations, contraction issues, preliminary & final contracts, establishments, abolitions of horizontal/vertical property, mortgages, taxi transfers, establishment of companies via the “One Stop-Shop” service, transfers and disposals of company shares & holdings, mergers, transformations & dissolutions of companies, will acceptance, wills, transfers of property, cohabitation agreements, powers of attorney, terms of use and competition lotteries, lease contracts, transfer of leases, affidavits–depositions under oath – deposits, deeds of deposit–certification of private documents, auctions, issuing of enforceable copies. The notary’s office also provides advice on any issue related to the specialty of the notary, after all the details of the case are carefully studied. Moreover, all legal and fiscal developments are constantly monitored in order to ensure every customer’s interest. There is a complete electronic copy of all documents and complete list of customers in one of the most advanced databases with all legal and notarial issues.
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