Postal Codes Patra ACHAIAS

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Search Results: 400
Aidiniou 26226 Patra ACHAIAS
AK 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Akamantos 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Akarnanias 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Akratas 26441 Patra ACHAIAS
Akrokorinthou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Akrotiriou 1 - 293 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Akrotiriou 2 - 230 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Akrotiriou 232 - 288 26336 Patra ACHAIAS
Akti Dymeon 111 - 149 and 100Α - 130 26336 Patra ACHAIAS
Akti Dymeon 1 - 41 and 2 - 40 26222 Patra ACHAIAS
Akti Dymeon 43 - 73 and 42 - 74 26333 Patra ACHAIAS
Akti Dymeon 75 - 109 and 76 - 100 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Aktiou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Aktoros 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
AL 10 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
AL 50 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
AL 51 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Alamanas 26223 Patra ACHAIAS
Alexandrias 26224 Patra ACHAIAS
Alexandropoulou A.& K. 26225 Patra ACHAIAS
Alexandrou Fleming 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Alexandrou Ilia 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Alexandroupoleos 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Alfiou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Aliakmonos 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Aliartou 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Alkeou 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Alkimou 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Alkinoou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Alkistidos 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Alkiviadou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Alkminis 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Alkyonis 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Alonnisou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Alsylliou 26223 Patra ACHAIAS
Amaliados 26336 Patra ACHAIAS
Amazonon 26333 Patra ACHAIAS
Amerikis 1 - 73 and 24 - 30 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Amerikis 2 - 22 26441 Patra ACHAIAS
2 3 4 5 6

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