Postal Codes Patra ACHAIAS

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Search Results: 400
Antheon 26331 Patra ACHAIAS
Antheon (Kastelokampos) 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Anthias 1 - 127 26333 Patra ACHAIAS
Anthias 127Α - End and 2 - End 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Anthoupoleos 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Antifontos 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Antigonis 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Antigonou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Antikythiron 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Antilochou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Antimedontos 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Antimilou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Antinavarchou Malikopoulou Kon. 26331 Patra ACHAIAS
Antinoros 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Antiochias 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Antiochou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Antiopis 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Antiparou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Antipatrou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Antistratigou Soumpassakou Nik. 26331 Patra ACHAIAS
Antonio Fratti 26222 Patra ACHAIAS
Antonopoulou Ioanni 26333 Patra ACHAIAS
Antypa Marinou 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Aoou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Apollodorou 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Apollona 26500 Patra ACHAIAS
Apolloniou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Apollonos 26441 Patra ACHAIAS
Arachneou 1 - 15 and 2 - End 26331 Patra ACHAIAS
Arachneou 17 - End 26225 Patra ACHAIAS
Arachthou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Arakynthou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Aratou 1 - 57 and 2 - 46 26221 Patra ACHAIAS
Aratou 59 - End and 48 - End 26225 Patra ACHAIAS
Araxou 1 - 39 and 2 - 32 26333 Patra ACHAIAS
Araxou 41 - End and 34 - End 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Archelaou 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Archiepiskopou Christodoulou 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Archiepiskopou Efstathiou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Archiepiskopou Ierotheou 1 - 81 and 2 - 104 26222 Patra ACHAIAS
4 5 6 7 8

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