Postal Codes Patra ACHAIAS

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Search Results: 400
Archiepiskopou Ierotheou 85 - End and 106 - End 26224 Patra ACHAIAS
Archiepiskopou Kyrillou 26222 Patra ACHAIAS
Archiepiskopou Theoklitou 26222 Patra ACHAIAS
Archimidous 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Areopoleos 26441 Patra ACHAIAS
Areos 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Aretha 1 - 45 and 2 - 44 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Aretha 47 - End and 46 - End 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Arginouson 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Argolidos 26224 Patra ACHAIAS
Argonafton 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Argous 26441 Patra ACHAIAS
Argyra 26500 Patra ACHAIAS
Argyras 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Argyrokastrou 26224 Patra ACHAIAS
Ariadnis 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Arinis 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Arionos 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristarchou 26331 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristenetou 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristidou 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristodimou 26224 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristodimou (Kastelokampos) 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristofanous 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristogitonos 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristomenous 26335 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristonos 26333 Patra ACHAIAS
Aristovoulou 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Aritis 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Arkadinou Petrou 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Arkadiou 26331 Patra ACHAIAS
Arkessilaou 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Arkisiou 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Armatolon 1 - 33 and 2 - 18 26224 Patra ACHAIAS
Armatolon 35 - End and 20 - End 26226 Patra ACHAIAS
Armenisti 26443 Patra ACHAIAS
Armodiou 26332 Patra ACHAIAS
Armonias 26442 Patra ACHAIAS
Arneas 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
Aroanion 26334 Patra ACHAIAS
5 6 7 8 9

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